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Showing posts from 2019

Merry Christmas from Old Hollywood

Ava Gardner Frank Sinatra Norma Shearer Bob Hope and Doris Day Ann Miller Loretta Young Kim Novak Elvis Presley   Merry Christmas, everyone!

August & September Favourites

I have always wanted to do a «monthly favourites» type of post on this blog, but I kept putting it off some reason or the other. Last year, though, I finally decided to do it. I will be doing one of these every month (or every two months) and I will include literally everything that I loved or made me happy during that time, be it a film, a song, a TV show or anything else. Here are my August and September favourites. Prepare yourselves. There's A LOT of them.   1. Elite (2018-) The first season of Elite was amazing, but the second one was even better. I loved every single thing about it! Even the things I didn't like I loved (if that makes sense). My babies Omar and Ander had more screen time together, even though their relationship wasn't always unicorns and rainbows. Guzman and Nadia FINALLY got together, which made me very happy. I love the relationship between Lucrecia and Valerio, even though they're brother and sister (excuse me, medio hermanos !). I k...

The World War II Blogathon: «Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo» (1944)

Directed by Mervyn LeRoy, Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944) begins in early 1942, when Lt. Col. James Doolittle (Spencer Tracy) calls for volunteers for a top-secret Army Air Force mission, following the surprise Japanese attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. One of the many men to offer his services is pilot Lt. Ted Lawson (Van Johnson), who is sent for training at Eglin Field in Florida, along with his B-25 Mitchell crew, including gunner Cpl. David Thatcher (Robert Walker) and navigator Lt. Charles McClure (Don DeFore). Spencer Tracy and Van Johnson in Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo .   During the first of many briefings, Doolittle informs the men that the mission they are about to undertake will be tough and dangerous, and encourages anyone with doubts to drop out. Ted's friend and fellow pilot Lt. Bob Gray (Robert Mitchum) suggests that he withdraw from the mission, since he recently got married, but Ted remains determined to go through with it.   Once their trai...

July Favourites

I have always wanted to do a «monthly favourites» type of post on this blog, but I kept putting it off some reason or the other. Last year, though, I finally decided to do it. I will be doing one of these every month (or every two months) and I will include literally everything that I loved or made me happy during that time, be it a film, a song, a TV show or anything else. Here are my July favourites. Prepare yourselves. There's quite a lot of them. 1. Stranger Things (2016-) Stranger Things has become one of my favorite TV shows and season 3 was definitely the best one so far. It was so good! I especially loved the interaction between Steve, Robin, Dustin and Erica. Honestly, they should have their own spin-off show. I would totally watch that. I also really liked Alexei. Poor thing. He was too precious for this world. 2. Good Girls (2018-) A few months ago I saw some videos of Beth & Rio on YouTube and without knowing what show they were from, I just fell in love with ...

May & June Favourites

I have always wanted to do a «monthly favourites» type of post on this blog, but I kept putting it off some reason or the other. Last year, though, I finally decided to do it. I will be doing one of these every month (or every two months) and I will include literally everything that I have loved or that has made me happy during that time, be it a film, a song, a book, a TV show or even an item of clothing. Here are my May and June favourites.   1. Fleabag (2016-2019) I watched Andrew Scott's interview on The Graham Norton Show (about damn time he was invited!) and one of the things they talked about was his character on a TV show called Fleabag . I had never heard of it, but everyone was raving about it, so I was curious to see it — especially when Andrew's character was called The Hot Priest (I'm not joking, that's the actual name of his character). I binge-watched the whole thing and I am obsessed with it. Fleabag is honestly one of the best shows I have ever s...

Top 15 Favourite Films of the 1960s

The 1960s were a decade of social and political unrest. The civil rights movement opposed blacks and whites in a war against unfair treatment of races. The LGBT community demanded a right to be different, while female activists stroke down barriers to women's personal freedom and professional careers. Young people rebelled against the establishment and denounced the Vietnam War, which they criticized as «immoral.» John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Che Guevara were assassinated, Chairman Mao starved 30 million people to death, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the Moon, the Berlin Wall divided Germany in two, The Beatles started the «British Invasion» and Woodstock became the biggest music festival in the world.   The construction of the Berlin Wall begins (August 13, 1961). The Beatles arrive in New York (February 7, 1964). Neil Armstrong walks on the Moon (July 20, 1969). The Woodstock music festival takes place (August 15-18, 1969).   The «Swinging Sixties» chang...