I have always wanted to do a «monthly favourites» type of post on this blog, but I kept putting it off some reason or the other. Last year, though, I finally decided to do it. I will be doing one of these every month (or every two months) and I will include literally everything that I have loved or that has made me happy during that time, be it a film, a song, a book, a TV show or even an item of clothing. Here are my February favourites. 1. Skam France (2018-) In December 2016, I came across a Norwegian TV show called Skam and I was obsessed with it for months afterwards. I loved every single thing about it, especially the third season. For those of you who have never heard of it, Skam is sort of like Skins (2007-2013), only less pretentious and a lot more realistic. It follows the life of a group of high school students, and each season it focuses on a different character. It deals with various topics, such as relationship difficulties, identity, homosexuality, sex...