In anticipation to the 91st Academy Awards ceremony, which will be held on February 24 at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, I thought I would write an article related to the most prestigious awards in the movie industry. So, here are 20 interesting facts about the Oscars. 1. An X-rated winner Midnight Cowboy (1969), directed by John Schlesinger and starring Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman, is the only X-rated film ever to win the Oscar for Best Picture. Producer John Hellman accepted the statuette at the 42nd Academy Awards ceremony, on April 7, 1970. LEFT: British poster for Midnight Cowboy . RIGHT: John Hellman holding the Best Picture Oscar statuette at the 42nd Academy Awards ceremony. Bonus fact: Midnight Cowboy was also the first gay-related movie to win Best Picture. 2. Posthumous nominations James Dean is the only performer to receive two posthumous nominations in the Best Actor category: the first for East of Eden (1955), at the 28th Acade...