Theatrical release poster Directed by Howard Hawks, Bringing Up Baby (1938) follows the tribulations of David Hu xle y (Cary Grant), a mild-mannered pal eontologist who ha s been tr ying to assemble the skeleton of a Brontosaurus for the past four years , but is missing one bone: the intercostal c la vicle. Addi ng to his stress is his fortcomin g marri age to the dou r Alice Sw allow (Virginia Walker) and the need to impress Elizabeth Random ( May Robson), who is consider ing a million-dollar do nation to his museum. The day befor e his wedding, David meets free-sp i rited society girl Susan Vance (Katharine Hepburn) by chance at a gol f course. Unbeknownst to him at first, she is Mrs. Random 's niece. Susan's b rother, Mark, has sent her a tame leopard from Brazil named Baby (Nissa) to giv e to their aunt. B elieving David is a zoologist, she invite s him to her country home in Co nnec ticut to help bring up Baby, which include s singing "I Can't Give You...