In 1943, Nancy Hawks spotted a 19-year-old model named Betty Bacall on the cover of the March editi on of Harper 's Bazaar . Fascin a ted by her sult ry looks and "scrubbed cl ean, healthy, shin ing and golden" appearance, Nancy urged her husband, director Howard Hawks, to screen test Betty for the new picture he was wor king on , To Have and Have Not (1944) , loosely based on the Ernest Hemingway 1937 novel of the same name. Hawks, too, was impressed with what he saw — so much so that he immediately brought Be tty to Hollywood , where he began managing her career. There after, he changed her name to the se xier-sounding "Lauren " and as ked Na ncy to advise her on clothing, shoes and general demeanor. Hawks also sent Betty to a voice coach to lower her natu rally high-pitched, nasal voice to a deeper, sul trier tone. When both Hawk ses were sati sfied with their new protégée, Howard took Lauren to the set of To Have and Have Not and int roduced her ...